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Monday, October 31, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Boy am I confused about this group. They say they represent the 99%. Um, I doubt that. They certainly don't represent me. I have enough sense to know that capitalism works. That is, unless you inject politicians into the mix who want to help their buddies get ahead or cater to any certain group of people to "buy" their votes. Yeah, that's what it is folks. So, these various OWS groups around the country are an interesting bunch. They really can't all decide what they want. Looking from the outside they seem like a largely young group. Ideological. Fresh out of college. Yes, I know there are others, but I'm looking at the majority. Fortunately, we all know that our education system has no political agenda. Oh wait. Could this be a coincidence? I doubt it. One name: Alinsky. It doesn't take long to connect the dots.

Okay, so they are a group. And they are mad about a whole list of things. And all rich people are evil (except the ones who support them financially). And all banks are evil (except the ones they use to collect donations). And all CEO's are evil (except ones who support green energy, support their agenda, and the late Steve Jobs because who knows where they would be without their Iphones.) And all Tea Partiers are evil (because they are racist (that has been proven, right Herman Cain?) and they want to take away their social security (remember the age group? Yeah. 90% of them will never see a check from social security) and they don't want rich people to pay more taxes (even though they love for the celebrities to come down and take pictures with them). And all politicians are evil (who can argue with that???) And the police are evil (for enforcing the laws. They believe the law should be able to relax when it suits their needs (Oh, except for those police when they represent a union)).

So, let's make everybody equal and start over? Is that what they would like? That would be wonderful. In a few years, the same people that have money now would have money again, and the same people crying about it now would be crying about it again! Why you ask? Because the people who have money have done something to earn it most of the time!!!! They don't sit around crying about being entitled to this or that. If they want something, they work for it. They don't look for a handout!

Okay, so my other point about this group is I am very curious how they are supported by women's groups. Yes, I am serious. There have been multiple reports of sexual assaults in multiple locations. This group, is several locations, has decided to keep these crimes "in house." Meaning, no charges will be pressed against the perpetrators. WOW. Oh, and these folks are proud of the protests overseas known as the "Arab Spring." Hmmmm. Anybody remember a story in Egypt about a CNN reporter being gang-raped by a bunch of those protesters?

Thankfully, these people don't have a problem with breaking laws. I mean, those things just get in the way. Most of the citizens of this great country would be appalled at what happens in these camps. And again, they get upset with police and politicians for enforcing laws. When most groups want to protest, they have to complete the paperwork, get approval, pay the fees, get insurance, provide security, etc. These folks have just shown up and continuously broken the law claiming First Amendment rights. Yeah. You can say what you want, but you can't do it while trampling on the rights of others. RESPECT. Learn it. It is earned not given. Understand that there are 2 sides to every coin. If you don't like the laws, VOTE and get them changed. That's how things get done. Whining is just annoying.

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