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Monday, July 26, 2010

The Tea Party

As anyone who knows me in the least little bit can attest, I am completely on board with most of what the Tea Party is about. The part I find interesting is that it is tough to make out who the leaders are, where they meet, etc. It is very decentralized and lacks a true "head". I love this. It keeps things from being too simple. It allows people to be educated on their own and form their own opinions. It keeps the power with the people, not a person or committee. We, the people, decide which way the wave goes. It makes it tougher on the media and the opponents because they don't have one person to vilify. It is what this country was meant to be, free thinking. I also feel like we, as Tea Partiers, should be very wary of the Republican Party. I don't trust them. Keeping the Tea Party decentralized also keeps the Republicans from stepping in and just trying to fold us into them where they feel we belong. They feel like we should be under their control. Supposedly, they are the existing political party that most closely agrees with our views. However, they have been infiltrated by a large number of Progressives. They aren't all conservative. Also, they are a political party that has been around for many years. They are looking out for their survival here. They want money from the "little people" to come into their pockets. I feel like if we continue to push our agenda, they will have to listen to what we are saying and move the party platform to conform to what this majority of their people want for this country. Or, the Tea Party may just have to go out on their own. I'm not yet convinced that this won't be the easier road. It would be difficult to take over an organization from the inside. The entire leadership would have to be replaced. So, in my opinion, starting a new party would be the best solution. It wouldn't take long for the Republican party to be choked out. I also wonder if the Democratic party wouldn't split up as well. There would be those who consider themselves Liberal, and others who consider themselves Progressive. The Democrats are slowly realizing these aren't the same viewpoint. These are interesting times in political parties. I hope people realize how important these times are in our country. It is simple to listen. However, hearing and thinking on your own isn't always easy in these times of instant media.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that starting a party from scratch would be easier and the better idea. Keep these blogs coming Scott!
