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Monday, August 2, 2010

The NOT so United States

Are we stupidly fighting against a division of the United States? It's a question I ponder. Look at this country and it is very easy to divide it up into at least 3 parts and even better if you do 5 or 6. Yes, we are all Americans, but I think that someone from Texas sees that differently than someone from California, who sees it differently from someone in Massachusetts. I am not stereotyping here. It's not just politically either. It's attitudes and approaches to life. I am reminded of a caller to a radio show that I heard while Bush 43 was in office. She didn't understand why the Democrats in Washington, DC, weren't cooperating with Bush. She said the ones in Texas had been much more agreeable. Well, yeah, because the Democrats serving in the Texas Congress are different than those serving in DC. We have Blue Dog Democrats, most of whom are from the Southeastern US. There are Liberal Democrats in the West and Progressive Democrats in the East. There are Progressive Republicans in the East as well. The center of the country is super Conservative. It's so blatantly obvious. Like minded people flock together the majority of the time. It's difficult to fit in when you feel differently from 90% of the people around you. The problem is that the big government in DC would never, ever allow anything like this to happen. It attacked the Confederate states when they seceded. It wants to weaken the powers of individual states. Yet, at the same time, it comes down on Russia for invading Georgia and backs the separation of Serbia along religious lines. Does this make sense to anyone? Georgia was nothing more than a former state in the USSR. It would be the same thing as Florida saying, "We don't see things the same way and we are moving out", then being invaded by the US. That is a restriction of freedom here at home and encouraging freedom on the other side of the globe. It reminds of the folks on "Whale Wars." They want to save whales which is highly commendable. Yet, they chug around in a diesel burning boat, dumping trash and a boat into the ocean, and endangering the lives of their own crew and those of other boats. Human lives at the expense of whales? Really?

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