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Saturday, August 7, 2010



I found this article and I am not sure that my thoughts are what the author was trying to stir in his readers. I believe the writer was looking for sympathy for folks. I don't have it. I see it as there are some communities figuring it out. Folks are depending on the government to provide them a service and do it cheap. The government can do that, for a limited amount of time. Then, it goes into debt. Period. Why? Because the government over-pays for everything and everyone. Remember all of the old jokes about the $10,000 hammer at NASA? It's not too far off. Just this week, there was a report about government employees and CDL drivers who were working and drawing disability payments at the same time. It only added up to a couple million dollars a month. And that's just the ones that reporter found. Have you ever done work for the government? Anyone that has can tell you that you ALWAYS give them a higher bid than you would any other business. So, the government wouldn't choose that bid right? Wrong. They are all on the same page. Everyone knows that the government wastes money. The bigger the government, the bigger the waste. Shrink the government, shrink the waste. Oh, and a newsflash folks: businesses are in business to make money! I know you find that shocking, but it is true.

Second thing I got out of this article: the bailout is working....temporarily. I know, shocking, again. Nobody ever saw that coming. I mean, surely the money would be there after the government money ran out, right? It had to just show up from somewhere. Oops. The recovery isn't going to happen overnight. It will take time. The stimulus and bailout are temporary help to hold things up. Now, one of two things has to happen: get more money from the government or make the cuts necessary to save money that should have been made before.

The US government is trying to create a society where the majority of people rely on the government for much of their lives. They are taking over businesses. Think about the bailouts for banks and autos. This tells these companies that they are too big to fail and the government will be there again if they fall down. So, do you think this will affect the way they run their companies? If you had to cross a high wire, would a net make a difference in how you approached it? Same thing. These same businesses are free to take huge chances and not have a bit of concern because they are assured that, no matter what, they will never go away. Now, had we let some of those big banks go under and let GM go under, it would have scared the crap out of businesses around the country. They would have seen the example and cleaned up their acts. Instead, they just sit back and laugh, knowing they have a huge safety net that you and I are holding up. Personally, I would love to pull it out from under them when they fall.

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